• 클루피로고
  • 2023 Korea Interchange Call for Abstracts

    2023 Korea Interchange Call for Abstracts

    Abstracts Due: Friday, 25 August 2023

    We welcome abstracts for the 2023 CDISC Korea Interchange on any of the topics listed below.

    Novelty in Clinical Trials and CDISC Standards

    • How modernization of clinical trials is impacting CDISC standards: experience from decentralized trials, master protocols, etc.

    • Social evolution can impact clinical trials conduct and standards: share experience or initiative related to this (e.g. diversity inclusion)

    Real World Data / Evidence

    • The life cycle of drug development is being modernized through the use of real-world data / evidence.

      • The combination of RCT data (safety, efficacy) and RWD (effectiveness) for submission is becoming the 'new' standard

    • We are interested to receive experiences from the industry on the following related topics:

      • Sports Medicine study like ACSM + CDISC

      • Digital Medicine studies

      • Progress and barriers to the use of real-world data / evidence for regulatory evaluation

      • Best Practices of using CDISC Standards for RWD and Barriers

      • Pragmatic Clinical Trials

      • Use of CDISC and other life sciences/healthcare standards (OMOP data model, HL7 FHIR, etc.)

        • FHIR to CDISC Joint Mapping Implementation Guide v1.0

      • CDISC collaborations with other standards and initiatives

      • Move to decentralized clinical trials - usage of digital biomarkers / digital endpoints (collected as part of the clinical trial)

    CDISC in Academic Research

    • Healthcare Data Systems

    • eSource/Direct Data Capture (DDC)

    • Meta Analysis / Data Integration

    • Computer Science and Data Science perspectives on CDISC standards

    Conformance Rules and Validation, Including CDISC Open Rules Engine (CORE)

    • Implementation of FDA / PMDA Business / Validation rules vs. CDISC conformance rules

    • Experience of various validation tools for SEND / SDTM / ADaM / Define-XML

    • Rules coming as part of a TAUG

    • Conformance rules integration into the standard governance

    • Experience in use of Open Source tools

    • Experience in the use of CORE, Rules Authoring Tool and generation of Rules

    Global Regulatory Submissions

    • Submission to FDA / PMDA / NMPA learnings

    • Submitting around the globe, submission experience with other Health Authorities e.g. EMA Clinical Trials Raw Data Pilot

    • Supporting FDA BIMO deliverables

    • Achieving quality and efficiency in data submission e.g.

      • Proper documentation

      • How to correctly provide metadata in Define-XML

      • Automation

      • Process flow

    • Impact of new FDA guidance e.g.

      • Standard Safety Tables and Figures Guide

      • Experience and adherence to FDA division guidance e.g., CBER Vaccine, CDER NASH, etc.

      • Inclusion and diversity requirements and challenges from a standards point of view, e. g. gender, how to correctly provide metadata in Define-XML

      • RWE impacts decision making by regulators – opportunities and challenges from data standards / harmonization / review

    Standards Governance, MDR and CDISC 360 - User Experiences

    • How to handle CDISC versions before submission / across standards / regulatory agency requirements

    • How do you handle non-adherence in terms of submission to one or multiple regulatory agencies, how do you ensure adherence?

    • Metadata-driven governance. Collected element usage. How do you determine what data you aren’t using in the final CSR, in order to simplify collection?

    • Graph databases / linked data implementations

    • Automation experiences

    • Implementation of USDM / Transcelerate DDF

    CDISC Foundational Standards

    • CDASHIG 2.3/3.0

    • SDTM/IG 2.1/4.0

      • SDTM/IG 1.7/3.3 Upversioning Experience

    • ADAM

      • ADaM Metadata Submission Guidelines 1.0

      • ADaM popPK Implementation Guide 1.0

      • Analysis Results Standard v1.0

      • Advanced use cases

    • SEND/IG 2.1/3.2

    • Define-XML v2.1

    • TAUG


    You are welcome to submit an abstract on any CDISC model experience, its implementation and associated planning. Related use cases are encouraged. We want to hear your success stories even if they do not fit into the topic areas mentioned. CDISC is an open and multidisciplinary standard which interfaces with many areas and we are eager to hear about your experiences working with standards.

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